STUD RAMS used in the stud
There are five bloodlines currently used at Willow Drive
Yoshi Line - Yoshi Jnr
Tye Line - Apollo / Phantom
Tex Line - Hulk /
Archie Line - Artie
Aussie Line - Rocky

Above -Willow Drive THE HULK RegNo. G631 born 2017
Willow Drive has used Hulk in the stud 2020 (Tex line)

Above - WillowDrive APOLLO Reg No. G1874 born 2018.
Apollos ribbon is wrong in this picture, he was awarded 2nd place in his class (Melb Royal 2019)
Apollo's sire was W.D Taylor (G73) - (Tye line)
Willow Drive has used Apollo in stud 2020

Above - Willow Drive Yoshi Jnr Reg No. G1875 born 2018
Willow Drive has used Yoshi Jnr in the stud - 2020 (by Yoshi)

Above - Willow Drive PHANTOM Reg No. G1873 born 2018
awarded 3rd place in his class (Melb Royal 2019)
Willow Drive has used Phantom in the stud 2020 (Tye line)

Above - Willow Drive ROCKY Reg No. G75 born 2016
Willow Drive has used Rocky in the stud in 2020 [Aussi Line)

Willow Drive ARTIE Reg No.. F6500 born 2012
Artie's sire was W.D Archie.
Willow Drive used Artie in the stud in 2020

Willow Drive rams - from left - The Hulk, Yoshi Jnr, Apollo & Phantom - Melbourne Royal 2020

Willow Drive Archie Reg.F43 Y6-16/2006 (dec)
Ram progeny kept in stud by W.D Archie -
W.D Artie

Willow Drive Yogi Bear Reg. D9797 WB94/2005 (dec)
Pictured above at the Sydney Royal
Ram progeny kept in Willow Drive stud as sires from Yogi Bear line-
W.D Yoshi (dec) and W.D Yoshi Jnr

Above - Willow Drive Sinbad Reg D5823 LB75/2003 (dec)
Ram Progeny kept in stud by W.D Sinbad - and many WD ewes