Willow Drive Stud Ewes
Willow Drive Stud Ewes

In 2021 there are 85 Stud ewes in Willow Drive stud
No sheep were shown or in show condition in 2020
due to Corona Virus.
The above ewe W.D Winx
- this ewe is producing exceptional lambs for Willow Drive
and she has never come home from showing without a Champion or Supreme sheep ribbon.
In the photo above from Melbourne Royal (2018) she has the Supreme ribbon and the Kameroo sash for ewe, bred by the exhibitor
In 2021 there are 85 Stud ewes in Willow Drive stud
No sheep were shown or in show condition in 2020
due to Corona Virus.
The above ewe W.D Winx
- this ewe is producing exceptional lambs for Willow Drive
and she has never come home from showing without a Champion or Supreme sheep ribbon.
In the photo above from Melbourne Royal (2018) she has the Supreme ribbon and the Kameroo sash for ewe, bred by the exhibitor

Above ewe is W.D7064/2017 - Bonnie (unshown ewe) with her 6kg born 2020 ewe lamb.
The ewe Bonnie's sire was WD Tommy & dam was WD.OF12, a show ewe.
The lambs sire is WD Yoshi Jnr (Reg No. 1875)

Above ewe - Willow Drive WANDA (dec) was shown with much success

Above ewe - The W.D ewe Gg018/2016 with her 2020 lamb

Above - The ewe W.D BK78 (dec)
another Willow Drive ewe that did very well at all shows she attended

Above - 2020 photo at lambing.
The W.D ewe W.D Y11 (sire W.D Tye F1476) with her 2020 lamb

above - W.D B102 a young ewe lamb out of the multi Champion ewe WD O102.
A beautiful ewe, sadly lost at her prime, but a beautiful example of the South Suffolk breed

The dam of the above ewe lamb - W.D O102 (dec).
O102 was perhaps one of our most successful stud ewes & was in our breeding program for over 10 years)

The W.D ewe Bambie (Bk27/16) here shown at Melbourne Royal (2018)

Above - W.D Bambi again, pic from Melb Royal
with her ram lamb W.D Yoshi Jnr (Reg No. G1875), now a sire in our stud

The young ewe W.D Betsey pictured at the Heytesbury show in 2020 (Feb)
Supreme Champion sheep of the show.
Betsey's sire is W.D Tanner, dam W.D Willow.

Above - WD Betsey - again pictured at Heytesbury 2020 with two Champion ribbons - Supreme interbreed ewe of show & supreme sheep of show

W.D Hazel - W.D G9020/2019 - full sister to the ram 'The Hulk' pictured at Heytesbury show 2020
Supreme Interbreed lamb of show and Reserve Champion ewe of show.
sire W.D Teo from dam W.D Bu 5048/2015

Above - W.D Winxette pictured 2020, she is W.D Winx's Ewe lamb
- pictured as a lamb at the top of this page with her dam & brother.
sire W.D ??

Above -W.D G9016/2019 Supreme sheep of Foster Online show 2021
sire W.D Artie from dam W.D P123/2012

Above - W.D G9009/ 2019 sire W.D Artie from Dam W.D Bu5014/2015

W.D G9020/2019 sire W.D Teo from dam W.D Bu5048/2015

Above - W.D PH216/2020 sire W.D Yoshi Jnr from W.D Bonnie (pictured above on this page)
sorry- bad picture, lambs some times do not stand well early in handling on halter.

Above - Ewe lamb PH194/2020 sire W.D Artie from W.D Bu5141