Willow Drive South Suffolk Sired Lambs
Carcase Competition Results
Willow Drive South Suffolk Sired Lambs
Carcase Competition Results
November 2011 - Ballarat Carcase Competition
Champion carcase of the competition (carcase in 22 -25kg section)
3rd placing on Hoof (in pen), the same lambs 2nd placing group lambs on Hook (22-25ks section)
we had lambs entered in other sections -out on specs - so no placings
Below - October 2011 - Geelong Carcase Competition
81 lamb enteries in the competition
( Barry only entered lambs in the 16 -19.9 section)
November 2011 - Ballarat Carcase Competition
Champion carcase of the competition (carcase in 22 -25kg section)
3rd placing on Hoof (in pen), the same lambs 2nd placing group lambs on Hook (22-25ks section)
we had lambs entered in other sections -out on specs - so no placings
Below - October 2011 - Geelong Carcase Competition
81 lamb enteries in the competition
( Barry only entered lambs in the 16 -19.9 section)

Barry's 16 -19.9 kg section South Suffolk sired lambs.
Out of English Lester X 1st cross X South Suffolk ewes
First place win on Hoof and best pen of lambs on hoof in the 16 - 19.9 section
First place win on Hook & went on to win best pen of lambs over whole competition on Hook
November 2009 Ballarat Carcase Competition
36 enteries of lambs in the competition, placings were available live and on hook.

All lambs in the photo were entered by Barry & sired by our South Suffolk Rams
All 5 (group of 3) enteries were successful in the competition
Pictured with Barry is Ballarat Butcher & organiser of the Ballarat Carcase competition, John Harbour
Two enteries; Medium Weight lambs- 19-22kg section 3rd Placing Live (on Hoof)
Medium weight lambs on Hook were 1st ( lambs that placed 3rd on hoof) & 2nd place wins
The 1st place winner of the Medium weight section was awarded Champion Group of Carcases of the Competition with 94 Points
The 2nd place winner of the Medium weight section was awarded Reserve Champion Carcase of the Show with 93 Points
Two enteries; Heavy weight lambs- 22-25kg section, 1st & 2nd Placings Live (on Hoof)
The 1st place getter was awarded Champion Pen of Live lambs (on Hoof) of the Competition
On Hook these lambs were awarded 1st & 2nd place wins
The 1st placegetter in the heavy weight section was also awarded joint Reserve Champion pen of lambs with our 19-22kg lambs​ paragraph.

Barry pictured with the Heavy weight lambs that were Champion Pen of live lambs
and Reserve Champion Group of Carcases
October 2009 Geelong Carcase Competition
SECOND PLACE WIN - ON HOOK 16 -19.9 KG Section
English Lester/ Merino ewes - & sired by South Suffolk

FIRST PLACE WIN - Heytesbury Carcase Competition January 2009
All lambs sired by South Suffolk rams

Above; Andrew Hays (Coles National Livestock Manager) presenting Barry with
the 1st Place ribbon for the pen of three 18-22kg lambs (Lightweights) on Hook.
This pen of lambs were judged 2nd placing live.
Second Placing on Hook in the 22.1 - 26kg section ( Heavy Weights) & 3rd placing live with these lambs
Second placing on Hook with our 26.1 -34kg (Super Heavy Weights) on Hook
FIRST PLACE WIN - Ballarat Carcase Competition November 2008
All lambs sired by South Suffolks

Above picture - in front of the winning lightweight pen of three lambs,
Barry with John Harbour with the Archibald Agregate Trophy for the Most Successful Exhibitor
with an overall seven winning places in the competition
Reserve Champion on Hoof Carcases - judged over all on hoof groups of lambs
Reserve Champion on Hook Carcases - judged over all on hook groups of lambs
Above lambs 16-19kg Light weight section 1st Place Win on Hoof & on Hook
1st Place Win on Hoof & 3rd placing on Hook with the same lambs 19-22kg section, Medium weights.

Above - Barry with medium weight winning lambs
2nd place Win on Hoof & on Hook with the same lambs 22-25kg section, heavy weight section
3rd place Win with another pen of 3 lambs in this section on Hook

Above - Barry with the 2nd place winning carcases in the heavy weight section ( winning on hoof & on hook)
2nd place Win with 5 Heavy weight lambs - Geelong Carcase Competition October 2008
FIRST PLACE WIN - Heytesbury Show Carcase Competition January 2008
Willow Drive placed FIRST in the 22 to 26 kg section
Sired by Willow Drive South Suffolk rams with South Suffolk/E.Lester/Merino ewes​

Colac CRF(Colac Otway) P/Ltd reps awarding Barry with the sash for the Heytesbury Carcase Competition Win.
FIRST PLACE WIN - Colac Show Carcase Competition November 2007
Willow Drive placed FIRST in the 18 to 22 kg section
Sired by Willow Drive South Suffolk rams with English Lester/ Merino dam,
the 18.4 kg lamb had a wholesale yield of 93.1 % and a wholesale value of 490.2 cents.

Pictured; Barry with carcase competition reps - November 2007
Willow Drive Won the 16-22 kg section of the Geelong Carcase competition October 2006
Three 16-22kg lambs sired by South Suffolk rams X English Lester/Merino ewes
were awarded First Place on Hoof AND on Hook,
making history at the carcase competition as no one has ever before won both these using the same lambs.

Barry with the 2006 Geelong competition winning carcass'es

Geelong 2006 winning carcases 16-22kg class - Won on hoof AND on hook